True Light Church of the Nazarene


Note For May 31 Sunday Service

True Light Church will have a combined worship at Harvest Ridge C ovenant Church

A bus will leave from True Light at 9:00 am


Normally Sunday service begins at 11:30 am and a free lunch is served afterwards.

We welcome you to join us!


True Light Church of the Nazarene is a church that places strong emphasis on ministering to the poor and bridging both racial and economic divides.

Jesus seemed to have a holy passion for the poor and oppressed people of the world. In fact, it is among them where he spends most of his time. It seems his message was more than simply about liberation from the power of sin that spiritually binds us, but from also from the power of sin that physically binds and oppresses us (or even helps us bind and oppress others). According to the gospel he preached, both of these are intimately connected.

Matthew 25:31-46 describes a central part of this gospel. In that passage, Jesus identifies himself with the homeless, the hungry, the naked, and the imprisoned of the world. He accuses those who have neglected these lowest people of the world... of neglecting him. Indeed, his famous saying about this is, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Mt 25:40 NIV) In other words, the value of our worship is tied to our treatment of the "least" of the world.

This imperative from Jesus to care for the poor motivates who we are at True Light. This is why we are located in the heart of the city, doing the work we do and worshiping as we do.

True Light Church is a community where all can come, regardless of how we are dressed, the churches we come from, and the baggage we bring. It's a place to worship the God of the universe and be freed from those things that bind us.

 If you are wondering what to expect on a typical Sunday morning, click here